TJ Smith Ministries
Author-Teacher-Public Speaker-Blogger
TJ Smith Ministries is passionate about correct Bible Interpretation, solid doctrine, fulfilled eschatology, sharing knowledge based on proper hermeneutics, and educating believers in their pursuit of truth. That passion has produced this ministry of education. There are videos, blogs and books available to you. It is time for believers to stop relying on the flawed teaching of the Church, and start taking responsibility for what they believe. You can do this!
The Last Semite
It’s been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over. The Last Semite, the latest title from TJ and Maria Smith is something of a departure from their previous works. This deals with Zionism, past and present, and how it came to be. You will discover that Jesus was The Last Semite. Click the picture above to read more and order

"It is beyond time for all believers to wake up and take up their responsibility for understanding the Bible. Gone are the days when we trusted the man behind the pulpit.
"COWBOY UP!" as they say.